Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blank Page

It is what I am staring at when I try to write a blog post. I have ideas for posts in my draft folder but there are only titles or a few sentences. In an attempt to get back on track, this post will list the random karate thoughts in my brain.

Confidence. How do you teach confidence? We are working on kata presentation. I am talking about presence not showmanship. The confidence needs to come from the inside with training as the source.

Stress. I need to use my karate training as a resource to handle stress. My only New Year’s Resolution was to NOT accept other peoples stress. My family uses me as a repository for stress. I will get panicked calls about missing cell phones, keys, ATM cards, heavy traffic on the way to the airport and forgotten homework. I was determined to not let their stress become mine. I am trying.  I need to take a lesson from one of our young white belt students. It was told by his parents that he practices kata during breaks at school. The teachers reported the boy seems calmer when he returns from his break.

Brotherhood. I have been thinking a lot about the use of the term brotherhood in martial arts. I often hear male practitioners use the word brotherhood or refer to each other as brothers. I never felt as if the male practitioners were using this term to exclude the female practitioners.  I asked several of the male black belts in our dojo what they mean when they say brotherhood. Some of the answers were…a group with a common goal, an alliance, or fellowship. I followed up with the question…Are female practitioners part of the brotherhood? The answer was a unanimous “Yes”.

Any thoughts on the above topics?


Yamabushi said...

The start of your post made me smile, because that is the same thing I think about as well - what to post, amongst my own scattered ramblings.
As for confidence, I would say that it comes from mental exercises in the kata - seriously applying the techniques and the use of kime. Keeping your eyes on the opponent is also a key part. Confidence follows from knowledge of your ability, and ability comes from good practice. Just my opinion, so take with a pinch of salt.

Rick Matz said...

Writer’s Block I

Struggling to find
Just one cohesive though.
At a blank piece of paper
I stare.

Writer’s Block II

I have nothing I can say
And I don’t know what to do.
No emotion is welling up.
I feel no words are coming through.

My pen has gone bone dry
There is nothing on my mind.
Nothing weighs upon my thoughts
Must have left my feelings behind.

There is nothing that excites me
I was missed by the lightning.
A dull, lackluster day
I have nothing I can say.

Writer’s Block III

Pen over paper
Poised to express ideas
That never come

Michele said...

Yamabushi: Thank you for visiting and sharing your insights.

I agree with your comment..."confidence comes from good practice".

Thanks again.

Michele said...

Hi Rick: My cohesive thought process feels a bit lacking lately. :)

Thanks for sharing.

Journeyman said...

As for stress, I know this may sound trite, but the other day, I read the silly slogan "Your emergency is not my priority" on somebody's calender or a printed out paper stuck to a wall.

Surprisingly, it's helped me manage some stress.

I too have dozens of titles in my drafts with a sentence or two. The word-smithing 'gift' comes and goes. Fear not, your posts remain entertaining.

Thanks brother, er...sister.

Journeyman said...

I should probably have mentioned that I was referring to non life and death type situations. Sometimes someone's emergency is my priority, but I digress...

Charles Hobby said...

You might make stress control part of a weekly checklist. Did I accomplish my stress control goals this week? If yes, then why? If no, then why? This might help you turn stress control into an active and manageable project. But facing the intimidating blank page problem? Now that is a horror! As a matter of fact, the notion stresses me out . . . :-)

Kim said...

I often think about the same topics! I like what you have to say about confidence, that it comes from the inside with training as a source. I've given a lot of thought to confidence, and where it comes from, since so many (myself included) train in martial arts to acquire the elusive "confidence." It seems to spring forth from the inside as a result of sincere training.

Michele said...

Charleyhorse: Good plan. :) I like the idea of having a checklist.

Kim: Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. :)

Charles James said...

Stress and the emotions the trigger. First, have you considered this:

Feel stress, feel emotion. Recognize it is an emotion then name it, i.e. anger or frustration, etc.

When you start to tell yourself the story, i.e. that call really bothers me I wish ..., then just say "stop."

Keep pushing the story of the emotion, etc. out of your mind, remain in the moment and mindful of the emotions feeling to you.

It will pass quickly and before you know it your past it all.

It is the story that we attach to our emotions that exacerbate and build the stress past normalcy.

Acknowledge the emotion, feel it, let it pass. They all will pass.

Stop the story, stop the story.

Remain mindful and present, leave the past; where stories arise; and remain in the moment and train.

Just something to consider ;-)

Michele said...

Charles James: Thank you for your comment and insights. Your post was deleted during Blogger's technical difficulties. Luckily, I still had a copy in my inbox. :)

Thanks again for stopping by!